Oh my God, this time I really mean it.  The world has gone nuts.  First,  a two-year lockdown due to a worldwide Pandemic, and now we could be on the precipice of World War 3!  OK, a bit much, but this is obviously a humanitarian and energy crisis. BTW, it was one right on top of the other with no break.  So, if you are paying any attention you are so not OK. Look how many died from COVID alone as of today.  It is over 6 Million and almost 1 million in the US alone!   And the destruction Putin has rained on Ukrain is horrendous! We will not know how many Ukrainians and Russians have died for a long time.  But it is way too sad and way too many.


If you can keep your head when all about you is losing theirs, then good for you.




If you can do anything to help others, you will feel so much better.  Helping others is the best medicine.  I would start with that.  You have a plethora of options.  You can donate blood to the Red Cross.  You can donate to the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund via The United Nations. You can also make a donation to Unicef  You can do yoga for a cause and donate all the money to this fund, which I am planning to do in California and in Florida.  Stay Tuned.



It is also important to note that more than 4 million men, women, and children have been displaced in Yemen’s eight-year-long conflict. And the violence is escalating.
January 2022 saw the highest toll (more than 650 civilians killed or wounded) in Yemen in at least three years. More than 23,000 civilians have been displaced since the beginning of 2022.  Here is how we can help.


You must be strong in order to help others.  Go schedule that doctor appointment and if you have skin cancer like I do schedule that appointment with your dermatologist ASAP. So start working out and getting healthy.  The world needs your love and support.  So get in alignment. NOW!


God Bless Us.  Every One!  Wherever you are.  You can just look around and find a place or a way to help. And take time to fully appreciate what you have now.

