YogaForce Ambassador Criestal on the YogaForce A-Line Mat



Why TheYogaForce Mat Is Necessary   From Our Guest Blogger from India


Summary: If you are a yoga newbie then read on this blog to understand why yoga mat is necessary for yoga practices.


Just like a runner cannot run a race without his shoes, painters cannot paint the canvas without the color palette, so do the yogis cannot think of practicing the science of yoga without the yoga mat. For the yogis and yoginis, the yoga mat is a significant symbol of their yoga practice. For practitioners yoga mat is much more than a tool, it is a metaphor. It marks the space in a yoga class and represents a place in our minds where we experience some relief from the chaos, stress, and the unpredictable nature of the life.


A yoga mat is a gift of Angela farmer to the world. Angela farmer is a well-known and respected yoga teacher on the planet and is a mother of the therapeutic intervention– the sticky yoga mats that alleviated a medical condition. Yoga mats are an indispensable tool of yoga practices that enhance the performance of yoga postures while also aiding in balance and coordination. The recent upsurge in the popularity of yoga has resulted in markets being flooded with all types of yoga mats. There is a yoga mat to suit the requirement of everyone. Beyond the vibrant colors and beautiful patterns, select a yoga mat that is storable, durable, comfortable, eco-friendly, and keeps you stable in the yoga poses.


Learn why yoga mat is necessary by taking a look at the list of benefits of the yoga mat below:


1 Provides Stability and Comfort: A good quality yoga mat provides enough padding to the practitioners to feel comfortable and stable during the practice. Practice standing yoga asanas on a yoga mat and you shall notice the benefits such as it does not allow your foot to budge, it provides enough support that you do not slip forward into an awkward split and so much more and alters your practicing experience for better.

2 Prevents Injury and Loss of Heat: The yoga asanas involves the moving and stretching of the body into different angles. The practice of yoga postures on a flat surface can lead to slipping of the body parts in undesirable directions that increase the risk of injuries and muscle cramps. A strong, non-slippery yoga mat helps a practitioner to keep their hold strong and provides an insulation between the body and the ground. The insulation helps in preventing the loss of heat and energy from the body to the surface. Yoga mats provide solid traction that is necessary to perform positions thus making it a crucial element of any yoga practice.

3   YogaForce Mat is good for alignment: Lengthen the spine, align your head in a particular way, stacking of joints are some of the phrases common at a yoga class. Yoga teachers highly stress upon the correct alignment of the yoga postures because they know its benefits and power. Alignment is important. It keeps the body safe, allows us to practice with ease, prevents injuries and so much more. Luckily, we have YogaForce A-line mat designed with an orange alignment grid that helps you navigate where exactly to place your hands and feet while practicing yoga asanas.


4 Creates a sacred place: The yoga mat does much more than just providing a supporting surface that helping you perform the yoga asanas correctly and comfortably. A yoga mat defines a space and makes you feel more connected to your practice. We choose and personalize the yoga mats according to our preference and style that accurately reflect who we are as practitioners. It transforms the space into a sacred one where we can delve into deep yoga practices and learning.


5 Body Hygiene: Use a yoga mat for personal hygiene. Whenever we practice on a floor or in a group setting we are more vulnerable to all kinds of bacteria and germs that cause illness. Practitioners are very well aware of the sweat endured and millions of microbes in each droplet, therefore, use clean yoga mats and enjoy good health.


Yoga mats are intended to aid and elevate your yoga practice. Rest is on you as to how you take the art of yoga, with or without the yoga mat.

Author Bio: Our Guest Blogger is from India. Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveller in India. He provides yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India. He loves writing and reading the books related to yoga, health, nature and the Himalayas.  For more information about him visit his website.


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